Unplug and Be Quiet

Luke 4:42 says, “The next morning Jesus went out to a place where he could be alone.”  Nine times in the Gospels we read similar verses describing how Jesus went to be alone, to find a quiet place, to seek solitude. We don’t do so well these days with quiet times. Jesus knew the key to his ministry was finding times to be alone, pray and seek direction. We tend to follow the “ready, fire, aim” approach over quiet times of reflection.

As a leader I have to spend time in quiet reflection. I make decisions that impact others. I need to silence all the voices around me and hear clearly God’s direction. It is amazing how easily we can be impacted by an email, a text or a news report. We can find ourselves reacting rather than being proactive. Some of our worst decisions were made because we did not take the time to be alone and really think through our options.

We do not need to take a retreat or clear our schedule to find time to be quiet. The biggest challenge is to simply separate from our smart phone. There is no better time to try it than this week. Starting at sundown this Friday, March 6 is the National Day of Unplugging a 24-hour movement encouraging everyone to unplug. Try taking a break from your smart phone or tablet even if it’s just for 24 hours. Here are a few tips for how you can do it.

1.      Turn off your phone and put it away somewhere you will not see it. Think of it as a blackout, no electricity and no battery.

2.      Read a book; don’t watch TV. Go to a park and take a walk.

3.      Get outside and experience your surroundings instead of listening to a podcast or watching a YouTube video.

4.      Take a nap. You may find it easier to fall asleep without the little electronic glow. Studies show if you’re reading on your mobile device or tablet it takes longer to fall asleep and you spend less time in deep sleep.

5.      Pray and spend quiet time with Jesus. Prayer is both asking and listening. It is hard to hear from God when there are other distractions. Read the Bible and let God speak to you through His Word.

I think you will be surprised how nice it is to unplug and be quiet. It may feel funny, it may be hard but it is definitely worth it. Try it!


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