Whenever you have a setback you must regain your momentum. Momentum is one of the best friends you could ever have. A well-known leader once told me, “Rick, momentum is your best friend because momentum will make you better than you could ever be.”

Without momentum, you will look worse than you really are which is why setbacks are always about the loss of momentum. When you lose momentum, it is amazing how things can go in the wrong direction. Momentum is so powerful that when you shift from setback to comeback, you can shift the momentum in your life.

Momentum is emerging energy and limitless passion that positively fuels a comeback. What you need is to regain the momentum you once had, and that begins with concrete change and builds through positive experiences. That is how momentum works. You have a positive experience. Then you have another positive experience, which gives you a little more momentum that continues with clear direction, moving you down the path to your comeback. That leads you to a new start, a new beginning, a new goal, a new opportunity, and eventually a new future.

Momentum is mysterious, but I believe there is a formula: concrete change + positive experiences + clear direction = momentum. Momentum is your best friend when you are making a comeback. Nobody has ever had a comeback without it.

Once you get some momentum in your business, job, marriage, family, or health, it is amazing how it will fuel you right into a comeback. It is almost magical how it empowers you. Before you know it, you feel like you are gliding, and things are not so hard. Pieces start falling into place. It is easier to eat better and exercise. It is easier to be married to your spouse, and you start getting along better. You do the things you are supposed to do, and it gets easier. Momentum will fuel you right into a marvelous, powerful comeback.


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