My title is inspired by the greatest movie of all-time Waterboy. But in all seriousness when 18% of all Christmas purchases last year were gift cards we might have a problem. A gift card communicates, “We have no idea what to get you - so you figure it out.” The excessive amount spent on gift cards and the declining thought put into Christmas gifts is cause for concern.

Gift cards have become a form of cash. They are branded for a specific restaurant, store, etc. but they are essentially a specialized currency. And if you don’t like the card you can go to websites like or and turn them into actual cash. Surveys may show people favor gift cards over physical gifts but there is a larger issue to consider. A gift card carries with it no thoughtfulness or loving sentiment.

Studies have shown that gift cards are popular for several reasons. They save time, reduce holiday stress and are practical. All of these reasons are about the benefit for the giver not the recipient. If you consider the person receiving the gift the purchasing decision should be about what they would like not how to alleviate your hassle of buying them something.

Most people would consider a cash gift tacky or ill mannered and giving a gift card is essentially the same thing. If it is the thought that counts then putting thought back into the gift buying process is crucial to Christmas purchases. It does take more time, thought and effort to buy the right gift but it is worth it.

God certainly put great thought, planning and sacrifice into His gift to us. The story of Jesus’ birth is nothing short of astounding. The plan God created to give us the gift of eternal life is brilliant beyond degree. The amount of love shown to us with the gift of Jesus sets the standard for all gift giving.

Those who have accepted the gift of Jesus who are followers of Christ should give like God gives. We are great givers because God is the greatest giver. There is no greater way to put Christ first then to be a generous and giving person. Nothing a person can do marks their followership of Christ better than then the way they are generous in giving.

This is a busy, hectic, stressful time of year. But don’t let it cause you to miss out on the joy of giving just the right gift. God has blessed us in specific ways and we need to bless others in specific ways.

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