A Good Steward/Manager

The term the Bible uses to describe Christ followers financial responsibility is steward. This is an old word that needs a modern understanding. The original word is found in the New Testament. It is a Greek word that comes from the root word for house or household (oikos). The steward was the “householder” (oikonomos) the person responsible for running the household. The role comes from ancient times when an owner of the household would go away and leave it to be cared for by the steward. The steward would run the entire household business as if he owned it but he did not. He was simply managing it while the owner was away.

The best modern term for this ancient concept is manager. A steward manages money that is not really theirs but acts like it is. Stewards recognize two basic principles; everything belongs to God (Psalm 24:1) and they are to be faithful with what God has given them (Luke 12:42, I Cor. 4:2).

Stewards have a sensible and sound understanding of money. They do not look to money as their source of power, security or happiness. They trust God to provide for them and take of their needs. Stewards work hard but realize what they have is not the result of their labor but rather God’s provision. They are wise in making purchases and are not extravagant. They are guided by need and budget more than fad or fashion. Stewards are savers and investors because they realize it is actually God’s money they are managing. They look for ways to invest money that will bring a good return. They understand consistent saving and wise investing. Stewards believe in good money management so they live by a budget and try to be debt free.

The defining characteristic of a steward is their generosity. They do not cling to their possessions or fixate on their money. Stewards know that giving draws them closer to God because God is a giver. They recognize giving is the one guaranteed way to break the grip of materialism in their lives. Stewards understand they will live blessed and happy lives because you can’t out give God. They put God first in every area of life and that certainly includes finances. Stewards are faithful to support God’s kingdom with their financial resources. They are channels of God’s blessings not reservoirs. Supporting the work of the church and helping those in need are their top priorities. Stewards realize life on earth is brief and have an eternal perspective. They know their giving is actually making eternal investments where a return is guaranteed.

Money is essential for life but fixating on it can take you away from what God wants for your life. If you are not careful your stuff can end up owning you instead of you owning it. Relationships can be destroyed over money and far too many marriages have fallen apart because of it. It is a fallacy to think money can solve every problem. Money can bring a level of security, a certain amount of happiness and a degree of power. But it can so easily cause us to confuse our priorities. When we worry about money it shows a lack of trust in God. A steward understands the power of money and uses it in a way that brings glory to God.


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