Ankerberg Show con Dr. John Ankerberg

God's Comfort When You Are Discouraged, Depressed and Fear the Future Part 3

In this series of three programs, Dr. Ankerberg talks with Joni and Michael about three neglected issues facing those who suffer. First, “How do you go on when all of the props are knocked out and there is nothing but you, God, and pain?” Second, “Does the Bible teach that it is God’s will to heal all those who truly come to him in faith? Is it always a given that He will say yes to our requests for healing?” Third, “How do you keep from going back into depression when you experience setbacks? How do you conquer the fear of what lies ahead when your strength is failing? And what promises does God make to us of eternity with Christ and a new body free from pain?” These and many more questions are discussed with honesty and biblical hope for all those facing the uncertainties of life now and in the future.

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